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   PERSONNEL : Lieutenant York

Allen York
[ Played by David Earl ]

Species: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 275 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Dark Brown
Birth: 2378.10.21 Earth
   Current Assignment

Wing Executive Officer.

York has 3 loves that he does better than most people. One is flying, any flying from starships to antique aircraft. Two is Ti quon do martial art in which he is a 5 degree black belt. Weapon specialty is katana. Three old music rock n roll
   Distinguishing Features

York is strong and a little bit arrogant he will help a friend when in trouble. He has a lighting shaped scar on his fore head and an arrow shaped scare on his left hand. Both were inflicted in a fight at the academy with a klingon. The klingon lost. His upper right arm has a tattoo of a diving P51 mustang firing 6 machine guns with the words "Tame This" under the picture.

   Starfleet Record

2400.03: Posted onboard the USS WarChief, Helmsman
Promoted to Ensign
2400.06: Promoted to Junior Lieutenant
2400.07: Promoted to Lieutenant
2400.10: Transfered to Starbase Phoenix, WXO

   Awards and Commendations



York has spent most of his life with his parents and at school where he met many different races and his lack of formal educate hindered him at first. He started to just work on his school work and not socialize. It was here that he found that team work was essential to a star ship and found out that he had friends. At the student lounge one day his command crew had just finished a simulator run, and a tour of Klingons came into the lounge. Being a little intimidated he raised his hand to welcome them to the Academy. This was taken as a sign of weakness. A Klingon grabbed his hand and tossed him across the room. The Klingon then said, "I am Rydock and I am a warrior for the empire, is that all you got." York got up and looked around, his head was bleeding but he was mad. He yelled at the klingon "YOU HAVE NOT FINISHED WITH ME YET! YOU PA 'TOCH." As he did a flying kick to the head of the klingon. York hit the floor hard and cut his hand on a piece of metal that fell from the klingon's hand. The klingon got up and laughed out loud at the fact that a human had in one kick broken his nose and put a cut from his left eye to his lower jaw. He smiled and said, "A worthy battle but I do not kill allies, how about some blood wine my friend." York looked at my crew who were in shock and said. "Yes that would hit the spot. Maybe I will show you how to drink White Lighting later." They are now friends and blood brothers though separated they are close in spirit.

   Personal Background

Parents are Tom and Eva York, federation historians with a specialty in late 20th century. He is a direct descendant of Sergeant York U.S. contingent to the first world war in Europe. He graduated 35 out of 376 at Star Fleet Academy but was first in his class in navigation and piloting. He first started martial arts when he was 4 and has been training ever since.



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