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   PERSONNEL : Commander Nok Lorith

Commander Nok Lorith
[ Played by Jacob Truemper ]

Species: Vulcan
Gender: Male
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 185 lbs
Hair: Dark Brown, ponytail
Age: 26
Eyes: Hazel
Place of Birth: Vulcan, Sarkel Province
   Current Assignment
Commanding Officer, Starbase Phoenix.
   Key Skills

Possesses extraordinary natural reflexes

Vulcan Mind Meld. Although not of frequent use because of emotional instability.

Vulcan nerve pinch

Former fighter pilot, top of his class in the academy

Vulcan martial arts: Ke-tarya (exercise), Ait Ihc (self defense), Ke-tar-yatar (Vulcan martial art of death), As well as many other non-Vulcan forms of hand to hand combat

   Starfleet Record

2398.04: Commissioned Ensign, SFA
Assigned Starbase Horizon, Fighter Pilot

Promoted Lt.jg.
2398.07: Received Commendation for action (The Elknar Episode)
Promoted to Full Lt.
2398.07: Promoted XO of Wing Command
2398.10: Promoted CO of Wing Command
2398.11: Promoted Lt. to Lt.Cdr
2399.03: Demoted from Lt.Cdr to Lt. and tranferred to StarBase 187
Transferred back to Starbase Horizon

Promoted XO of the USS War Chief

Regained Lt.Cdr status
2400.04: Promoted to full Commander

   Awards and Commendations

Not applicable

   Personal Background

Born and raised on Vulcan. All relatives deceased. Lorith learned during a stint with the SSD (Special Security Division) that his rocky past and his emotions were interconnected. He was called in to the SSD to help investigate and find a cure for a disease that at the time was rapidly spreading across the planet Vulcan. Oddly enough the virus caused ordinary Vulcans to exhibit extreme lack of emotional control, and was later found to have been man made. Exactly who created the virus, and for what purpose was unknown.

Lorith and the rest of his family had apparently contracted the disease early in his childhood. Although lacking any strong evidence Lorith believed that his family was murdered to keep the virus from spreading... as would be the only logical thing to do when no cure could be found.

Lorith learned that he had the original viral strand in his system, and eventually through genetic studies the SSD was able to find a cure. Vulcan was sucessfully cleansed of the disease. Lorith, however, seemed to be unable to benefit from the find. To remove the virus from his system would mean certain death, as his body had grown with it from an early age. Lorith has decided against telling others about the disease, however, he still carries proof from the SSD should he ever need it. Lorith struggles every day to control himself, and fights an everlasting fire of hate.


   Mental Profile

Lorith is best described as being arrogant, pompous, and cocky, with somewhat violent tendencies. Not a person that makes friends easily Lorith is often withdrawn from public life. Despite his unfavorable characteristics Lorith is also tremendously loyal with a confidence and flare for his work. Very few officers have more passion than he does. Lorith used to do his best to follow logic, but has since given up on the whole belief. Overall Lorith's mental status can be more easily compared to that of the ancient Vulcan race (a passionate and violent race before turning to logic), rather than the emotionless Vulcans of today.



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